Young Justice Finally Returns for a Third Season

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Autor: Carl Weaver
Data Creației: 28 Februarie 2021
Data Actualizării: 29 Ianuarie 2025
Young Justice Phantoms   Season Return Date CONFIRMED by HBO Max
Video: Young Justice Phantoms Season Return Date CONFIRMED by HBO Max

Young Justice, cancelled after only two seasons in 2013, is coming back for a third season. The animated DC superhero show, which focused on the young partners (“Don’t call us sidekicks!”) of Justice League members, aired on Cartoon Network from 2011-2013.

Members of the original team’s lineup included Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis, with Zatanna making a cameo or two. With Season Two, there were some alterations to the team roster, with Dick Grayson stepping up from Robin to his adult hero persona (Nightwing) and taking over the team, while Tim Drake -- the third person to hold the title of Robin -- joined the team along with Batgirl, Bumblebee, Wonder Girl, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, and numerous other comic book favorites.

Despite a strong and passionate fanbase, the show was cancelled due to disappointing merchandise sales. This seems to have been more because of the type of merchandise being sold rather than a lack of interest. As the show was geared toward an older audience, the line of action figures and other such toys aimed at younger children probably wasn’t the best choice.

And who can forget Young Justice: Legacy, the tie-in video game which was pulled from two of the consoles (Wii and Wii U) it was originally supposed to be released for due to everything from ' quality='' issues'='' to='' lack='' of='' retailer='' interest.='' that='' ill-fated='' game='' quickly='' found='' its='' way='' into='' wal-mart='' bargin='' bins='' everywhere,='' which='' certainly='' didn't='' help='' the='' fate='' of='' the='' show='' and='' its='' merch='' sales.='' maybe='' this='' time='' around='' the='' merchandising='' will='' be='' more='' appropriate='' to='' their='' audience.='' or='' at='' least='' a='' better='' video='' game=''>

Producătorul Greg Weisman a rămas activ în Justiție tânără fandom, răspunzând la întrebări de aici și acolo, dar în cele din urmă păstrând o mulțime de informații suplimentare despre "ceea ce se întâmplă în continuare" de top secret, deoarece visul a fost întotdeauna să producă un al treilea sezon al spectacolului. Acum, se pare că visul a devenit realitate și nu suntem bucuroși că nu a stricat totul înainte de a putea începe?

Weisman, impreuna cu producatorul original, Brandon Vietti, se vor intoarce in sezonul trei. Nu a fost anunțat dacă Justiție tânără va ateriza pe Cartoon Network asa cum a facut anterior sau daca va gasi o casa noua in alta parte. Anotimpurile unu și două sunt în prezent disponibile pentru streaming pe Netflix.