5-Year-Old Boy Finds Exploit To Break Into Xbox One Account

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Autor: Marcus Baldwin
Data Creației: 14 Iunie 2021
Data Actualizării: 8 Mai 2024
5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel exposes Microsoft Xbox vulnerability, finds back door into accounts
Video: 5 year old Kristoffer Von Hassel exposes Microsoft Xbox vulnerability, finds back door into accounts

How easy is it to break into a Xbox One? Apparently a 5-year-old can do it.

As reported by 10News, 5-year-old Kristoffer Von Hassel found a way to break into his father's Xbox One account by using an exploit that lets him gain access without the correct password. After attempting to enter the account with wrong password, a verification screen comes up. Von Hassel found that by filling the password field with nothing but spaces, you are able to access the account. This exploit has already been patched and fixed.

Von Hassel's parents found out that he had accessed the account when they discovered him playing restricted video games. The Von Hassels then contacted Microsoft to report that their son had found how to get through into a locked account. As a reward for finding this issue, Microsoft awarded the young Von Hassel with four games, $50, and a yearlong subscription to Xbox live. Von Hassel is also now listed online as a security researcher who helps to make Microsoft's systems safer. Seems like a good deal for exploiting a security system.

Microsoft issued in a statement on the matter:

' we're='' always='' listening='' to='' our='' customers='' and='' thank='' them='' for='' bringing='' issues='' to='' our='' attention...='' we='' take='' security='' seriously='' at='' xbox='' and='' fixed='' the='' issue='' as='' soon='' as='' we='' learned='' about=''>

Se pare că nu este singura dată când tânărul Von Hassel a ajuns prin sistemele de securitate. Potrivit tatălui său, este a treia oară de-a patra oară că Von Hassel a găsit o cale de a trece prin diferite sisteme de securitate. Poate Von Hassel va deveni un expert de securitate într-o zi. Sau poate că Microsoft are nevoie să își dezvolte jocul când vine vorba de sistemele de securitate pe care le folosesc pentru hardware-ul lor. Poate că într-adevăr nu sunt siguri de asta ...