Oculus Rift will retail at least $350, maybe more says founder

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Autor: Christy White
Data Creației: 7 Mai 2021
Data Actualizării: 1 Ianuarie 2025
Oculus Rift will retail at least $350, maybe more says founder - Jocuri
Oculus Rift will retail at least $350, maybe more says founder - Jocuri

Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, confirmed that the VR headset will cost as much as a new console.

Although the number $350 is discouraging to those eagerly awaiting the headset, Luckey says that the cost is not to boost price margins, but rather to provide the highest quality possible for the VR. Because the technology is new, outsourcing its components is fairly expensive. If the market grows, the price will drop on future models (much like the early days of DVDs and home computers).

Luckey explains,

' you='' know,='' i’m='' going='' to='' be='' perfectly='' honest='' with='' you.='' we’re='' roughly='' in='' that='' ballpark…='' but='' it’s='' going='' to='' cost='' more='' than='' that.='' and='' the='' reason='' for='' that='' is='' that='' we’ve='' added='' a='' lot='' of='' technology='' to='' this='' thing='' beyond='' what='' existed='' in='' the='' dk1='' and='' dk2=''>

Comparativ, Sony Andrew House spune că PlayStation VR va rula aproximativ aceeași sumă.

Luckey spune că se concentrează pe calitatea produsului mai mult decât orice altceva. Ceea ce are sens, pentru că dacă cumpărătorii simt că au cumpărat un produs de înaltă calitate, bine făcut, atunci se vor întoarce pentru runda a 2-a.

Oculus Rift va fi lansat în aprilie 2015.