Sunset released after successful Kickstarter

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Autor: John Pratt
Data Creației: 11 Ianuarie 2021
Data Actualizării: 4 Ianuarie 2025
MMORPG NEWS - SUN Classic, Tales of Yore, Sunset World Online, Nevergrind Online, Deutonium
Video: MMORPG NEWS - SUN Classic, Tales of Yore, Sunset World Online, Nevergrind Online, Deutonium

Sunset, a game where you play a house keeper in a country ravaged by civil war, has been released after a successful Kickstarter campaign. It was developed by Tale of Tales, which has a decade of development experience under its belt. Tale of Tales most successful game to date was The Path (with 4/5 stars on Metacritic), a horror game based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Sunset is a narrative-driven first-person game. Taking the role of a female African American house keeper called Angela Burnes, you will explore the luxurious penthouse apartment of Gabriel Ortega, a bachelor artist who has ties to the military. It so happens that Angela's brother is one of the leading figures in the rebellion in the fictional South American country of Anchuria.

Angela has taken this job to support her studies in the city of San Bavon. Every evening, one hour prior to sundown, she arrives at the apartment and is given a checklist of chores to do for the day. As you play, you develop a relationship with your employer through a series of post-it notes.

How you spend your time and any ' extra'='' things='' that='' you='' do='' will='' be='' reflected='' in='' the='' note='' exchanges='' between='' angela='' and=''>

Este un joc unic pe un joc cu tematică de război fără nici un conflict personal (există violență, dar se întâmplă în siguranță în afara apartamentului) și ca joc de explorare non-combat, este un bun exemplu al unicității jocurilor indie. Iată trailerul de lansare pentru Apus de soare:

Apus de soare este disponibil acum pe Steam and Humble Store (ambele cu 10% din prețul de vânzare cu amănuntul până pe data de 28 mai)!