Will Ferrell Might Not Be Playing Video Games

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Autor: Christy White
Data Creației: 5 Mai 2021
Data Actualizării: 26 Ianuarie 2025
Billy on the Street - Christmas with Will Ferrell
Video: Billy on the Street - Christmas with Will Ferrell

Earlier in September, Will Ferrell teamed up with charities to launch an Indie-Go-Go campaign to raise money to support children and families suffering from cancer.

The campaign is for a good cause, where one lucky supporter who donates $10 or more will be randomly selected to come out to San Francisco, and play video games with Will Ferrell for two hours at the Twitch offices. Of course, the entire event would also be broadcasted on Twitch.

Despite the good-natured cause behind this campaign, as well as Ferrell's celebrity, the Indie-Go-Go campaign, at the time of this writing, has managed to only secure $117,823 of a goal of $375,000, with about 31 hours left to go.

The good news is that the campaign is classified as ' flexible='' funding',='' meaning='' that='' charities='' will='' receive='' all='' money='' raised='' regardless='' of='' whether='' the='' goal='' is='' met,='' however,='' it='' is='' not='' clear='' if='' the='' event='' will='' happen='' regardless='' if='' the='' money='' isn't='' raised='' in='' its=''>

Cu 31 de ore rămase pentru a merge, iar donațiile care s-au strecurat doar în ultima săptămână (ultimele 10 donații au fost împărțite în 7 zile) nu pare foarte probabil că obiectivul va fi atins.

S-ar putea să merite o șansă de a dona niște bani în cazul în care evenimentul merge mai departe, indiferent de suma ridicată, deoarece șansele tale pot fi mai mari deși ... poate doar o dorință de gândire din partea mea.